
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2023

Post blog 5 (Changes to my study programs)

 Hello everyone, today I will talk about a very interesting topic, often controversial and with divided opinions but I think is impotant to talk about that because everything we learn in our program we will put in practice in the real life, so I have a opinion in this topic. Ok I know that I am only a 2nd year student and that I haven't had much experience yet to give my opinion on the entire degree program but In the time I've been in the university I've noticed that there are things that need to be improved, for example "filling" materials (Society & culture, anthropology, health promotion), I believe I think we need to give more focus to this type of subject because They teach us to be better professionals and to care more about our patients as people, in my opinion these are important subjects that they didn't know how to make interesting.  On the other part we have the "important" subject (oral patology, anatomy, histology, etc) in this case