Post 4: Time travel to the future or past

 For me, it's a very interesting topic, to talk about what my life can be like in a few years or what adjustments I may have made in the past to be a better person than I already I am. Personally, I really like to think about the future, to see what I can become, but I wouldn't like to go directly to my future and know what things waiting me, I prefer to discover it along the way, with the experience that I am gaining day by day, year by year. And in the case of the past, I prefer to forget the bad things that happened and only keep the lessons that it has left me because the past can't be changed and there's no point in complaining about it

But if I have to choose whether to travel to the past or the future, I choose to travel to the past because I would have the opportunity to change many things, avoid mistakes I have made and even be a better person. I would really be willing to be 10 years old again and live all this way again with the knowledge I have now. Maybe I should have studied more, I could have made more friends, I couldn't have been so quiet

I would like to say briefly how I see myself in the future. I see myself as a dentist with a nice clinic, married, with a house in Chicureo and 2 children jajja


  1. Hi, I agree not to travel to the future, to be able to discover the future along the way


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